Exploring the Most Innovative Developments in Psychiatry at the Annual World Congress


HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is the virus that reasons AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) and may be transmitted in the course of sexual intercourse; via way of means of sharing syringes; in the course of pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.

The pressure related to dwelling with a critical infection or condition, inclusive of HIV, can have an effect on a person’s intellectual fitness. It is critical for humans dwelling with HIV to realize that they have a better hazard of growing mood, anxiety, and cognitive disorders. For example, melancholy is one of the maximum not unusual places in intellectual fitness situations confronted via way of means of humans dwelling with HIV.

Mental Health troubles for humans dwelling with HIV include:

  • Having a problem getting intellectual fitness services.
  • Having to inform others approximately an HIV diagnosis.
  • Managing HIV drugs and clinical treatment.
